Welcome to Girolamo magazine. The name Girolamo was my father’s birth name – Michele Girolamodibari Jr. After he shortened the family name to DiBari, I thought calling the magazine Girolamo would be a fitting tribute to him and his legacy. The images and stories are part culture, part quirkiness, part history and part art. America today has become a conundrum of sorts: an amalgam of the haves’ and have-nots, the beautiful and the not-so beautiful, the mundane and the unusual. In these photographs, I attempt to shine a light on the everyday, the working class, the unsung heroes and common people living life every day. Within these pages is the story of America, from the hopes and dreams of immigrants, to the grit and determination of its workers, to the promise of things larger than ourselves and the castaways of what is used up by living. It is a mirror held up to society reflecting back life and all it has to offer.